Sunday, April 11, 2010

Install Windows XP On Your Hard Drive

When you install a new main hard drive or accidentally you have wiped all the information off your current hard drive, then you definitely need to install an operating system and format it. Do you know that Windows XP is the most popular system that you can use? When you will install your Windows XP fresh, it will format the hard drive for you. With this you can easily get started to work on your computer.

Just try to turn on your computer. Always remember that since you do not have an operating system on the computer, it should just boot to a prompt screen and not do anything. After this, just insert the Windows XP CD into your computer.

Try to turn off your computer back off and on again. When you will get the message saying "Press any key to boot from CD", press any key. You have to press "Enter" to start the setup of Windows XP when the next screen appears.

Always remember that you have to follow the steps given in the Windows XP setup. This step will definitely install the operating system and format the hard drive. These steps even include various customization options; the installation wizard will ask you what you want to include on the operating system by entering your product key, Internet and clock setup.

Therefore by following these steps you can easily install Windows XP on your cleaned hard drive.

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