Friday, January 8, 2010

Grab Your Fast Foods with Wi-Fi Topping

From now when ever you want to connect with your Internet friends, just walk in to any fast food centers around your house and get free Wi-Fi. As fast-food chains like Chick-fil-A, Wendy's, Krystal, the bakery-cafe Panera Bread and so on are offering free Wi-Fi services to their customers representatives from different companies said that the bottom line is enhancing the customer experience comprehensively.

Every day customers are camping in these restaurants for their work. Even if you are willing to come in these restaurants and eat a chicken biscuit, they will provide you the service.

Here are the steps that you should follow when you will find a Wi-Fi hotspot.
1. Find a Wi-Fi hot spot like in restaurants, bookstores, café, etc.
2. Turn on your wireless network that is their on your laptop.
3. Connect to the network then for your specific hot spot. Some Wi-Fi hot spots may want you to submit you information such as name, e-mail address and agree to a terms of service before you start to use the service.
4. Launch your browser.
5. Now start Surfing. Keep in mind that some Wi-Fi providers may have a time limit on how long the service can be used.
6. After you are done disconnect or log out from the service.

Always remember Wi-Fi networks are not always secure. You should use your laptop's firewalls whenever possible and avoid sharing your personal information with any unknown entity.

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